The institutional website www.brasserie-goudale.com belongs to the Goudale brewery, Avenue Newton -Multimodal door of the Aa-62510 Arques-France.
Registered office: 35 bis Boulevard de Strasbourg- 62500 Saint Omer. N ° SIRET 48776781600043 – Intra-Community VAT No: FR55455502088 – Social Capital: 2 523 894 RCS: Boulogne B 487767816 – contact@brasserie-goudale.com _ Phone: + 33 3 66 10 01 69
The site is hosted by OVH SAS with a capital of 10 069 020 € director of publication: Octave KLABA-RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045-VAT N °: FR 22 424 761 419-head Office: 2 rue Kellermann-59100 Roubaix-France.
Access to the website of the Goudale brewery is reserved exclusively for a major and informed public. For this reason, by your acceptance, you certify to be major according to the law in force in your country and that these laws allow you to access this service.
The Goudale brewery does not guarantee or be responsible for the total or partial inaccuracy of certain elements of the site. In no event shall the Goudale brewery be liable for any direct or incidental, consequential, indirect or material damages related to the access and/or use of the content of this site, resulting from the incomplete nature of Items cited or not up to date.
The marks, images, logo, and visual identity appearing on this site are deposited and are the exclusive property of the Goudale brewery and/or their respective authors. Their use or misuse, as well as any other elements contained in this site, except for what is explicitly mentioned in this Regulation, is strictly prohibited.
Use of personal data
The Goudale brewery is concerned with the respect of privacy and the protection of personal data of the visitor/user of the Site.
The information collected during the contact form and the brewery’s request for a visit will not be disclosed to people outside our company.
Personal data means “data which, in any form whatsoever, directly or otherwise, allows the identification of the natural persons to whom they apply”.
These include:
- Name, first name,
- Email address
- Mailing Address,
- Phone number
Use of the user’s personal data of the Site:
Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of their personal data, otherwise known as the General Regulations on Data Protection (RGPD), Lays down the legal framework applicable to the processing of personal data.
It requires that personal data be collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes. Once the objective of the collection of personal data has been achieved, the retention of this data is no longer justified. They must therefore be deleted or anonymized.
The Goudale brewery, in the context of the processing of personal data which it implements as a controller, is therefore obliged to abolish or anonymize personal data whose conservation is no longer justified.
The user of the site shall enjoy a right of access, information, rectification and opposition to the personal data concerning him collected on the site. These rights may be exercised by writing to: The Goudale Brewery, Newton Avenue-multi-modal door of the Aa-62510 Arques-France.
A cookie is a text file stored by your browser on a dedicated space of your terminal, during the consultation of a website. Under no circumstances will the cookie allow the person who deposited it to obtain information stored on your hard drive or personal information. During its period of validity, it allows the issuing Internet site to identify the terminal in which it is deposited and to keep in memory certain information relating to your course.
The registration of a cookie in a terminal is essentially subordinate to the will of the user of the terminal: so you can change your choices at any time in your browser software.
If you have accepted in your navigation software The recording of cookies in your terminal, cookies embedded in the pages and content you have consulted can be stored temporarily in a dedicated space of your terminal. They will be readable only by the transmitting website.
If you refuse to register cookies in your terminal, or if you delete those registered in it, we will not be able to recognize the type of browser used by your terminal, its language and display settings, or the country from which Your terminal seems to be connected to the Internet. Where applicable, we disclaim all responsibility for the consequences of the degraded operation of our services resulting from the inability for us to record or consult the cookies necessary for their optimal operation and that you Refused or deleted.
What is the shelf life of cookies?
The cookies have a valid duration of 13 months maximum. Your consent will be re-requested at the end of this period by the display of the information banner.
We use these plotters to allow you to return to a page already visited, to see the links on which it has already clicked, or to memorize the version of the site consulted (language, country). Cookies are also used to establish statistics of attendance and use of the various elements of the site anonymously, allowing us to improve the interest and the ergonomics of our services.
These plotters cannot, technically, be disabled from the site. You can nevertheless oppose the use of these plotters, exclusively by setting your browser. This setting depends on the browser you are using, but it is usually simple to achieve: In principle, you can either enable a private browsing feature or only ban or restrict plotters (cookies). Warning, tracers may have been recorded on your device before setting up your browser: In this case, delete your browsing history, always using your browser settings.
The use of tracers is governed by article 32 (2) (II) of Act No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, transposing article 5.3 of Directive 2002/58/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 July 2002 as amended by Directive 2009/136/EC.
The Site may contain links to third party websites.
Clicking on one of these links will automatically direct the user of the site to those sites that are subject to their own terms of use, not the present.
It is up to each user to read the commitments of each website to which it was redirected before navigating, to ensure that you use only sites whose content and rules of use have been accepted.
The Goudale brewery does not have the control of these other third-party sites, and under no circumstances can it monitor the content or conditions of use, particularly in respect of privacy. In no event shall the Goudale brewery be liable for any damage suffered at a site to which one of its internet users would have been redirected.
To find out more about cookies and tracers, we invite you to consult the CNIL website: www.cnil.fr.